We get things done. We provide operational support and create solutions to problems.

Our clients come to us when they are aware that professional advice is needed, and the internal resources and network are used up.

When the stakes are high and they need support to understand their situation and problem, map their scenarios and create an operative plan for the project.

Over the course of time, we have worked with a wide range of corporations, all of which share the objective of solving both a daily and ordinary as well as potentially endangering problems.

We believe that our ability to help clients achieve their goals is derived from our ability to assess the situation realistically coupled with our tailored, fact-based and hands-on problem-solving approach.

Expertise areas

Major fields of activity are Consulting, Accounting, Real-Estate development and Tourism project management.

In each of those activities we are offering operational, strategy and advisory services to private corporations, investors, public companies and families by providing unique and tailor-made solutions.



Real estate services




Real estate


Expertise values

Finding the best strategy

Short and long-term consolidation plans for the SEE markets to strengthen market position vis-à-vis customers and competition - creating thus a solid basis with EROP experts for the best strategy along the entire value chain.

Looking for fine details

The look for the fine details is needed to tailor a solution. Instead of looking at the waste data, we prefer to look at one detail that tells us the story. Being able to interpret the differences and deduction vs induction points with our creativity allows us to be successful for our clients.

Finding solutions

To help solve our clients’ most strategic challenges, we put methodology second to understanding the issues and the context surrounding the issues.

To make sure we run in the right direction, we first place the issues in the right industry context to fully understand the clients’ way of thinking. Running fast makes little sense if you run in the wrong direction.

Getting things done

All of the above stated is not worth if not implemented, which we put an emphasis on the implementation, very often connected to a formal decision which triggers further steps.